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Neusoft Education Technology Group was Selected into the "2023 Typical Cases of Brand Credit Construction" by Xinhua News Agency

09 Dec 2023

HONG KONG, Dec. 9, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- By the riverside of Wanquan, a forum was held in Boao. From 2nd of December to 5th of December 2023, the 2023 Boao Forum for Chinese Entrepreneurs under the theme of "Embracing the Innovation with a Focus on Quality" organized by Xinhua News Agency, the People's Government of Hainan Province and the China Council for Brand Development was held in Boao, Hainan Province, with more than 3,500 guests from the Fortune Global 500, Top 500 Enterprises of China and industry-leading enterprises gathered together. At the "2023 Xinhua Brand Credit Construction Forum" held on 4th of December, the list of "2023 Typical Cases of Brand Credit Construction" was released for the first time. Neusoft Education Technology Group was successfully selected with its brand construction case, which is a full recognition for its demonstration and leading role in the "China Digital Talent Education Service Brand" industry and the achievements of its distinctive brand construction practices.

Credit is the lifeblood of a brand, and the high-quality development of Chinese brands relies on the brand credit construction by enterprises. In March 2022, the Opinions on Promoting the Construction of a Social Credit System with High-quality Development and Promoting the Formation of a New Development Landscape issued by the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council proposed the promotion of quality and brand credit construction. Based on this background, to better construct the corporate brand credit system, enhance the value of enterprise brand credit, and support the cultivation of a large number of exemplary enterprises that operate with integrity and fulfill their commitments, Xinhua News Agency launched the activity of "2023 Collection of Typical Cases of Brand Credit Construction", aiming to exert the demonstration and leading effects of advanced models, drive the collective creation, construction and sharing of a brand credit system throughout society, empower enterprises to develop with high quality, and serve the strategy for a strong brand nation.  

As a leading IT higher education technology group and digital talent education service provider in China, Neusoft Education Technology Group focuses on the field of "IT + Health technology", forming a business development ecosystem consisting of higher education, education resources and continuing education services, known as the "One Fundamental Business and Two Strategic Businesses" model. Leveraging its strong industrial advantages and accumulated experience in academic education, and guided by the characteristic TOPCARES education methodology and talent training model, Neusoft developed an innovative "4S" System (CaaS - Content as a Service, SaaS - Software as a Service, PaaS - Platform as a Service, DaaS - Data as a Service) product service system, in a bid to empower comprehensive and three-dimensional connotation construction of education and teaching as well as reform and innovation in colleges and universities. So far, Neusoft Education provides high-quality educational resources, products and services to over 550 colleges and universities in China. In addition, in terms of continuing education services, To B training business has expanded to 24 provinces and cities across the country, and To C training business attracted more than 15,000 trainees annually. The above-mentioned data performance and educational service achievements serve as strong evidence of the industry influence, brand appeal and social credibility of Neusoft Education Technology Group.

Looking ahead, Neusoft Education Technology Group will seize this award as an opportunity to actively play an exemplary role in the industry in digital education service brand, and continuously promote sustainable and high-quality development of the brand, making contributions to the construction of a digital China and the cultivation of digital talents.

Media Contact:

Lin Wei 
+852 69969328

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