疫情退卻 前景未明
踏上復常路 機遇在何方?
Embracing an Uncertain Future after the Pandemic Recedes;
Identifying Opportunities on the Path to Normalcy

疫情退卻 前景未明 踏上復常路 機遇在何方?

2023年新冠疫情總算告一段落,社會逐漸復常,但2024年環球經濟前景仍未明朗。 在外,俄烏戰爭在僵持近兩年後仍未結束,以巴衝突持續,中美角力亦未見停止;在內,香港經濟復甦速度遜於預期,令不少人希望在新一年在事業 上找到新機遇,亦有人希望在個人崗位上提昇實力鞏固地位,然後再拾級而上。 今期我們會造訪了來港尋找機會的「港漂」分享如何在本地立足,以及人力資源專家淺談港人投身大灣區發展事業的概況。

While the pandemic is gradually under control, The HKSAR Government announced new measures to streamline inbound travel control measures for the resumption of normal travel between Hong Kong and the mainland of China as well as the international community, giving a glimmer of hope for economic recovery. However, uncertainties remain in the global market, due to factors like the Russia-Ukraine conflict at a stalemate and the global supply chain restructuring. No matter how the job market evolves, engaging in continuing education and enhancing personal developmental skills are certainly a key to success. In this volume, leaders from human resources and real estate industries are interviewed, sharing their insights in the employment market and new trends in continuing education this year.

Unlocking Career Prospects in Hong Kong under the Influence of the Growing Allure of Neighboring Cities

Unlocking Career Prospects in Hong Kong under the Influence of the Growing Allure of Neighboring Cities

疫情退卻 前景未明 踏上復常路 機遇在何方?

疫情退卻 前景未明 踏上復常路 機遇在何方?

時移. 勢易. 人漂泊,適者生存

時移. 勢易. 人漂泊,適者生存



進修增值 成就管理人才

進修增值 成就管理人才