時移. 勢易. 人漂泊,適者生存
Adapting and Evolving in the Dynamic world;
Survival of the Fittest


「港漂」,是指一群背井離鄉的人們來到另一個大城市尋找機會,努力拼搏,在香港漂泊的一族。 近年來特區政府放寬入境政策,讓大陸學生得以來港讀書甚至畢業後留下就業,「港漂」已成為這群年輕異鄉人在這座城市學習、生活及留下來工作和定居的身份詞彙。

"Hong Kong drifters" refer to individuals who have left their hometowns in search of opportunities and have settled down in Hong Kong. In recent years, the Hong Kong government has loosened immigration ru recent years, the Hong Kong government has loosened immigration ruruue, Main on ruless from Kunles to Hunles, to Keduth in Hunles, fulwululululwul? and work here after their graduation. Young individuals who come to this city to study, live, work, and eventually settle down, take pride in their identity as a "Hong Kong drifter".?

創新香港-國際人才嘉年華執行主席、港漂圈創始人趙磊得悉,的確有些人會因這個身份感到不舒服,“好像在表示他們飄泊不定,不易融入香港社會。隨著時間推移,這群‘ 港漂’也在服務香港、對這個地方有所貢獻,這個身份詞彙已變成中性詞,只是形容他們這樣一群人而已。」

Mr Raymond Zhao, Executive Chairman of "Innovating Hong Kong Global Talent Carnival" and Founder of Gangpiaoquan Culture Communication Limited, said some people might feel uncomfortable with this label as a "Hong Kong drifter". "Some themodm of them. or confusion, feeling uneasy to immerse themselves in Hong Kong culture. However, history has proven that the "Hong Kong drifters" have contributed a lot to Hong Kong. Indeed, "Hong Kong drifters" is a butft exex a thisft express ."

擇木而棲 獲益良多
Strategically Selecting the Best Opportunities for Academic and Career Success

本科主修工程專業的趙磊,他曾考慮到美國攻讀碩士,最後卻選擇來港進修。 「始終香港與內地的文化較相近,而且香港科技大學在世界排名前數十名,師資優良,在整個學習環境上都較容易適應。」他續指,中港兩地讀書不盡相同,「 在內地讀書以中文為主,香港的課堂則是以英語為主;內地會有一個班主任的角色,管理及處理課堂事宜,反之香港則沒有這樣的角色。」

Having a bachelor degree in engineering, Raymond had thought of pursuing a master's degree in the United States. At last, he had chosen to come to Hong Kong for further education. He explains, "While Hong Kong and the mainland of China share a similar culture, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) ranks among the top universities in the world and it has excellent teaching staff. All these factors made my study life in Hong Kong easier manage.癒 穡 He further pointed out the differences between studying in Mainland China and that in Hong Kong. "In Mainland China, the medium of instruction is Chinese; while in Hong Kong, lectures are primarily conducted inlish Eng. a class teacher who takes the lead in student management and classroom affairs, whereas such a role does not exist in Hong Kong universities."

儘管趙磊來港讀書以及工作已長達十六年,在語言和文化不同的情況下,當初來港也面對過不少難處。 「接收資訊的方式比較困難,很多方面都需要時間慢慢習慣和理解。」他又指出,香港是一個講求專業的地方,不論是求職、求學、醫療等東西都要通過系統和根據程序。 「還有一點,就是我想到自己身分認同的問題,來港十年我仍然覺得自己是來港生活的內地人,但現在我會形容自己是香港多元文化的一分子,我們與其它在香港 生活的東南亞人及西方人一樣,都是在支持香港能成為一個更好的地方。」

Raymond has already stayed in Hong Kong for sixteen years for studying and working. When he first came to Hong Kong, he faced various challenges due to language and cultural differences??adapt to different cultural aspects." He continued that there are professional standards behind every aspect in Hong Kong, whether it is job-seeking, studying, or accessing to healthcare services. Every has services. regarded my identity. Having stayed in Hong Kong for the first ten years, I still considered myself as someone from Mainland China living in Hong Kong; but now, I would describe myself as having totally. and Westerners who live in Hong Kong, individuals from different backgrounds contribute to making Hong Kong a better place for everybody."

無論身處何地 進修不可或缺
Regardless of Geographical Context, Continuous Learning Remains Essential

即使趙磊已擁有三個碩士學位,他仍會繼續進修。 「世界急速變化,也有許多不確定因素,我們必須持續學習才能跟得上世界步伐。未來我會修讀博士學位,或會選擇修讀未來世界積極發展的範疇如大數據、金融或EGS相關的 學科。」他以自身經歷,寄語所有有意來港進修或工作的「港漂」,要擁抱壓力、把握機會體驗。 「香港是個競爭力強、壓力大的地方,來港發展的必須找到自己的核心價值,若能配合大環境的發展方向,順勢而為定能更快的成長;也要把握機會體驗這個中西 合璧的多元文化之地,最好多結交朋友,讓他們帶給你更多不同的想法和機會。」

Despite having three master's degrees, Raymond plans to further his education." The world is in a constant state of evolution, filled with uncertainties that arise unpredictably. To stay abreast of the rapidly changing world, continuous learning is vital. In the future, I intend to pursue a doctoral degree, specializing in fields that are actively developing, such as big data, finance, or disciplines related to ESG(environment, social and governance)." Drawing from his own experiences, he advises prospective "Hong Kong drifters "------ those considering studying or working in Hong Kong ------ to get prepared for stress and seize opportunities in a timely manner. "Hong Kong is a highly competitive and demanding environment. To thrive in their careers, individuals must discover their core values and align them with the city's development roadmap. "Hong Kong drifters??are advised to seize opportunities in this metropolitan city, where East meets West, and to cultivate meaningful connections with inspiring individuals who can open doors to diverse opportunities."

Unlocking Career Prospects in Hong Kong under the Influence of the Growing Allure of Neighboring Cities

Unlocking Career Prospects in Hong Kong under the Influence of the Growing Allure of Neighboring Cities

疫情退卻 前景未明 踏上復常路 機遇在何方?

疫情退卻 前景未明 踏上復常路 機遇在何方?

時移. 勢易. 人漂泊,適者生存

時移. 勢易. 人漂泊,適者生存



進修增值 成就管理人才

進修增值 成就管理人才