吸納「八大中心」人才 重中之重
Attracting Talents for "Eight Centres" Development is the Top Priority

Attracting Talents for


China's National 14th Five-Year Plan supports the development of Hong Kong in eight key areas, known as the "eight centres." These include: the International Financial Centre, International Innovation and Technology Centre, Hub for Arts and Cultural Exchange between China and the rest of the World, International Trade Centre, International Transportation Centre, International Aviation Hub, Centre for International Legal and Dispute Resolution Services in the Asia-Pacific Region, and Regional Intellectual Property Trading Centre. To this end, the Hong Kong Government attaches great importance to dovetailing with the national strategies to enhance the impetus for the growth of Hong Kong. For this reason, the tal. to realise the "eight centres" positioning, whether cultivated locally or recruited globally, is crucial for the future development of the Territory.


Anthony Lau, director of Hong Kong Talent Engage, states that the current Talent List of Hong Kong comprises 51 professions under nine industry segments, covering areas where talents are needed most. In his latest policy address, HKSAR Chief Executive John Lee also reiterated that the updated Talent List would also include talents necessary for the development of the "eight centres," highlighting that these individuals are the key targets of Hong Kong Talent Engage.


他表示,人才如想在本港及大灣區發展,最重要是了解所屬行業的實際狀況,緊追全球或行業趨勢,堅持持續進修,增加相關的業務知識,並把握機會累積經驗。 「整體而言,如人才希望在所屬行業更進一層樓,藉進修探討更深入的行業知識絕對有利無害,而且過程中亦能認識同行業的精英或前輩,以及志同道合的同學,互相分享寶貴經驗及建立人脈。

Lau said that for those planning to work in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area, it is essential to understand the actual conditions of their respective industries, while staying abreast of global and industry trends, purledge 它 continuous edusuing and edud seizing opportunities to accumulate greater experience. "Overall, if talents want to advance in their respective sectors, gaining deeper industry knowledge through further education would definitely be beneficial. During the overall process, they can also meet industry elites, mentors, and like-minded peers while sharing valuable experiences and building networks."



To help talents receive more information about settling in the Territory, Hong Kong Talent Engage, together with its partners, will continue to hold online and on-site thematic seminars and workshops covering various topics, including job hunting, entrepreneurship, education, housing, lifestyle tips, and Cantonese learning. This year, the office will continue to invite guests from different industries to share their insights and facilitate subsequent direct communication with participants. The office will also collaborate with different sectors to support the talents.

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