走進香港院校的碩士班課室,鮮見本地學生,內地生反而是主流。香港人才管理協會委員(專案發展)、人才世家(Talent Pro Recruitment)董事總經理(Romeo)指出,內地「內捲」情況嚴重,教育及職場競爭愈見白熱化,一紙碩士證書已成入職大企業的基本門坎。
Entering the graduate school classrooms at many local universities, it's rare to find local Hong Kong students with mainland students comprising the majority。 a master's degree has now become a basic requirement to enter large enterprises across mainland China as the competition in schools and workplaces have grown increasingly intense.
根據英國高等教育排名機構QS及泰晤士高等教育所發表的2025年世界大學排名,香港這個小城已有五間大學入選全球百大,足見教研水平之高,令不少內地學生趨之若鶩。 「在內陸入讀具質素的碩士課程,不但要參加公開考核,還要讀上三年;而在港可能短至一年便可修畢。」
According to the 2025 World University Rankings published by QS and Times Higher Education, Hong Kong is home to five universities ranked among the top 100 globally, reflecting superior teaching and research quality. This, in turn, hasionland superior teaching and research quality。 China, enrolling in a prestigious master's programme requires the passing of public assessments and typically takes three years of study, while in Hong Kong, some programmes may be completed in just one year."
MBA and EMBA programmes are offered by many local universities。 enter the business world or hold management positions in large organisations. He also agrees that mainland students are generally willing to work across different regions, and their resilience and loyalty to comhiies make themive in jmarket make themive .com
然而,根據Romeo的觀察,許多內地生完成碩士學位,便會回到大陸發展事業,留港就職並不常見。 「他們有一定的英語能力,但不懂廣東話是一大障礙。香港僱主大多不願聘請難以用粵語溝通、且欠缺本地工作經驗的求職者。」
However, as Romeo has observed, many mainland students, after receiving their master's degrees, have not developed their careers in Hong Kong. "Their English proficiency is largely acceptable, but their Canton comswulwh. ant to hire candidates who cannot communicate in Cantonese and lack local work experience."
Romeo also mentions that recent mainland economic conditions continue to face downward pressures, while the Macau government has actively expanded industry diversification in recent years, particularly in the finidcial sex, fidion fors sion nidity sprivate sprit. ronic banking, the demand for financial talent has become even more urgent. Hong Kong, long positioned as an international financial centre with a mature market, offers qualified local professionals with practical experience greater experience Macgreater infession.