Rethinking Employee Engagement in a Volatile Economy

 Morning Session
0815 – 0900 Summit Registration and Refreshment
0900 - 0910 Welcome Address by Sing Tao News Corporation
0910 - 0930 Morning Keynote Address: Public Policies and Employee Engagement

Speaker: Mr. James Tien, GBS, JP
Chairman, Hong Kong Tourism Board
Hon. Chairman, Liberal Party
0935 - 1020 Strategic Insights Speaker: Authentic Leadership

Speaker: Mr. Allen HA
Chief Executive Officer
AsiaWorld-Expo Management Limited
1020 - 1050 Morning Refreshment
1050 - 1135 Strategic Insights Speaker: Inspiration rather than Motivation – Mindset-upgrade of CTI’s Talents

Speaker: Mr. NiQ Lai
CFO and Head of Talent Engagement
City Telecom (HK) Limited
1140 - 1225 Strategic Insights Speaker: Building a strong team with Passion and Professionalism

Speaker: Ms. Lena Tsang
Chief Executive Officer
Sir Hudson International Ltd.
Sir Hudson Hospitality Ltd.
1230 - 1345 Lunch

 Afternoon session
1345 - 1420 Afternoon Keynote Address: Staff Engagement in the Time of Volatility - All We can Learn from the Movies

Speaker: Mr. LAM Woon Kwong, GBS, JP
Equal Opportunities Commission
1425 - 1510 Featured Speaker: Standing by Employees during Tough Times

Speaker: Mrs. Carmen Lam
Chief Executive Officer
PrinCorp Wealth Advisors (Asia) Limited
1510 - 1545 Afternoon Refreshment
1545 - 1630 Strategic Insights Speaker: Retaining and Motivating Staff in Hospital Authority: From Crisis to Strategies

Speaker: Dr. Au Kit-sing, Derrick
Head of Human Resources
Hospital Authority
1635 - 1655 Strategic Insights Speaker: Driving Engagement of Staff with Different Working Style - HeadlineJobs Quality Workplace Index (2011 2nd Half)

Speaker: Dr. Chung Ting Yiu Robert
Director of Public Opinion Programme (POP)
The University of Hong Kong
1655 - 1700 Closing Remarks